Streaming links and the children’s bulletin for worship on Sunday, August 30, 2020, can be found here.
During the time that worship services are broadcast online, our services can be found at
Trinity Lutheran,
As you are well aware, on the recommendation of the Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod along with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, Trinity will refrain from gathering in public worship in the near future. I have been praying for each of you as we face this pandemic together. I want to share with you some things we are working on to keep us connected as a faith community. We have been asked to limit our contact so I wanted to share with you some ways we can continue to grow in faith and be close to God. Here are some concerns that we have identified and are finding ways to address.
- If anyone needs groceries or medication delivered, please let us know and we will find members to assist you. Please contact Pastor Nate.
- We will offer worship services via Facebook and for the near future that will be shared during our traditional scheduled times. If you would like to view worship on Facebook, you do not need a Facebook account to do so. Please go to and follow the link on the main page. If you do not know how to use the internet, please ask a family member and have them watch the service with you on their phone or computer.
- We will continue to send the Trinity Trumpet out through email. If you do not currently receive these emails, please sign up to at or email to be added.
- We need to continue to offer these services to our congregation so please either mail in your offering, stop by church and drop it off, or join our online giving ministry. To do so, please go to our website and click on the blue “Give Online” button or visit
- If you need a home visit, please call the church office 745-4222 to schedule a visit.
- Pastor Nate’s phone number is 307-231-5371. Feel free to call or text with prayer concerns or for a chance to connect.
- Some of our families may experience a financial crisis as work is diminished. Please email Pastor Nate these concerns. These requests will be discussed with our church council to evaluate assistance.
- Our Campus Cabinet is still open so please feel free to come by to drop off or pick up items that are needed.
In closing I reflect on these scriptures:
1 Cor. 12:26-27
26 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
Rom. 14:8
8 If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.
May God be close to all throughout the world as we suffer together and rejoice that God is with us.
Contact information:
Church Phone Number: 307-745-4222
Church website:
Pastor Nate’s Phone Number: 307-231-5371
Pastor Nate’s Email: